Hear Ye, Hear Ye...

This be the tales of The Orphan Corsairs, boys they were, that is 'til they be headed out to sea. To a man these lads didn't falter. Maybe a blink or nod during cannon shot, but nothing more than yer average man.

A few of 'em, they be ready ta lead, take the helm as it were. Some, just good ol dogs that worked the riggin' without much effort. Aye, these orphans, they may have no family of their own, but they've become family here on the Sea Witch.

Captain Slaughter is more than capable of watching over the young lads. Nathaniel Wrigglesworth, Phineas Ingledew and Darnell Skivington prove to be natural leaders among their friends, all of which know how to laugh hard, work harder, and be fine sailing men.
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Home Port
The Orphan Corsairs is an 18 episode project that is suitable for all audiences. The characters are lovable and realistic. This Xaak Doyle library is one that has him just as interested reading, as it does to write.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
The Gallows
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La Isla de las Tres Coronas
Hoodoo Valley and the Cavern of Keckilpenny
The Battle of Sycamore Ridge
The Alchemist of Dredge Harbor
Hurricane Beach at Sassafras Bay
Homeward Bound
The Necromancer Demesne
Sea of Crocodile Tears
Mermaid Fish Tales
Skullduggery Bluff and Ebenezers Treasure
The Approach of Pernicious
The Lost Souls of Rio de la Hacha
The Last Oasis and Far Away Mirage
Shattered Dreams in a Fire Swept Sky
Devils Point at Mayaguana Passage
Slick Hickory Falls
Conch Island Welcomes an Old Pirate Friend
The Shores of Misery Atoll
Pieces of 8teen
The Orphan Corsairs project is dedicated to four children that Xaak Doyle holds precious to him. Ariana, Emanuel, Hannah and RJ. Four of the best grandchildren ever.
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©2023 The Orphan Corsairs by Xaak Doyle. XaakStudios.com & SyKoCinematic.com